الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011

Molecular Encapsulation: Organic Reactions in Constrained Systems

Molecular Encapsulation: Organic Reactions in Constrained Systems
Molecular Encapsulation: Organic Reactions in Constrained Systems
774 pages | Sep 22 2010 |ISBN: 0470998075 | PDF | 5.5 Mb

The inclusion of small guest molecules within suitable host compounds results in constrained systems that imbue novel properties upon the incarcerated organic substrates. Supramolecular tactics are becoming widely employed and this treatise spotlights them. Often, the impact of encapsulation on product formation is substantial. The use of constrained systems offers the means to steer reactions along desired pathways. A broad overview of various supramolecular approaches aimed to manipulate chemical reactions are featured.
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Molecular Encapsulation: Organic Reactions in Constrained Systems
http://ul.to/erdl56zl/Molecular Encapsulation Organic Reactions in Constrained Systems.rar


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