الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011

Computers as Components, Second Edition: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design

Computers as Components, Second Edition: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
Computers as Components, Second Edition: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
544 pages | Sep 22 2008 |ISBN: 0123743974 | PDF | 1.5 Mb

This book was the first to bring essential knowledge on embedded systems technology and techniques under a single cover. This second edition has been updated to the state-of-the-art by reworking and expanding performance analysis with more examples and exercises, and coverage of electronic systems now focuses on the latest applications. Researchers, students, and savvy professionals schooled in hardware or software design, will value Wayne Wolf's integrated engineering design approach.
Computers as Components, Second Edition: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design
http://ul.to/145jvazs/Computers as Components, Second Edition Principles of Embedded.rar


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